
Make it Original with Astro Yogourt

Recently I had the opportunity to attend an event with Astro Yogourt at Nella Cucina. Nella Cucina is a Cooking School and store that has a fully completed professional kitchen with everything you need to make that perfect dish. I had the opportunity to create a dish with yogourt. I'm not an expert on yogourt or food preparation but I was a little confused. I usually only have yogourt as a breakfast or lunch item with the fruit bottoms in a cup.

I learned that yogourt can be used in many more ways than my own understanding. You can use it in sauce, marinate or even make chocolate brownies out of it! The results are endless with yogourt. For more details on creative ways to use Astro yogourt, see the recipes here for more ideas: Astro

It's made from natural ingredients
It's Kosher.
No gelatin.
Can be used for ingredients and not just for breakfast in a cup.

I invited a couple @Beachrockinc and @AmandaBlake9 to make a dish with yogourt. They made a Flanked Steak with Yogourt Chipotle dish and a Fettucini Primavera pasta dish: Flanked Steak recipe

This is the sauce made with Astro Greek yogourt for the flanked steak.

This is the Fettucini Primavera dish made with Astro Balkan plain yogourt: Fettucini Recipe

Now I made the saucy mango chicken dish above. To be honest as a person that doesn't cook very often due to my busy schedule it was simple and quick to make. If i can make it you can too! Here's the recipe. Very simple to make. Mango Chicken

This is the kitchen with all the ingredients to use.

I want to give "Thanks" to the folks at Astro Yogourt for allowing us to make tasty dishes using Astro yogourt. They even gave us these coolers with ice packs to keep our leftovers for dinner the next day!

Visit them on the web at

Visit them on Twitter at @AstroYogourt

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