
SXSWi and Hashable

@clickFLICKca goes to @SXSW from clickryan on Vimeo.

I'll be at the SXSWi event being held in Austin Texas. I'll be the only Canadian ambassador for Hashable which is a great app to track your relationships. If you would like more info on this App come say "Hi" to the Hashable crew at SXSW. You won't be able to miss all 20 of us there! Hashable

Here is an article on Hashable in Mashable :-) Top 20
So during my time in Austin, I hope to meet many new faces and to hash it up! :-)

1 comment:

  1. How was #SXSW? What were the best take'aways that you can share with us?

    Next year I hope to go ;)
