
Are you sharing too much?

Would you give your credit card information in an email or social media channels? Are you sharing too much? It's a question you need to answer. We all seem to be online sharing so much personal info via various social media networks that we really need to step back and evaluate for our own safety. We share details of where we eat, where we shop and in some cases check into our home locations online. This month is Visa Fraud Prevention Month. Sharing the Infographic will help Canadians understand the risk and how vulnerable we can be to fraud. The following represents the key findings from a survey with a focus on young Canadians.

Here are some Key survey findings:

More than half (56%) of Canadians say that identity theft is the type of fraud that concerns them the most.

Young adults aged 18-30 are the most likely to have loaned their debit or credit card and to have revealed their PIN to another person in the last 12 months, where as older Canadians are the most likely to have sent their personal credit card information via email.

Are You Sharing Too Much_Infographic

I hope you can find the info from VISA helpful and take proper procedures to maintain your safety from having fraud happen to you. For more info visit Visa Security

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