
Race. Search. Strategize. It's the Eco Chase!

Do you know what the Eco Chase is about? Eco Chase is a large scavenger hunt happening on Saturday September 14th that challenges teams to learn about Toronto's green projects. It's like the TV show "Amazing Race" with a green/environmental component. Teams will be given challenges and clues throughout various stops. Lots of fun while learning at the same time. Great team building activity too!

The event is sponsored, in part, by, Ontario's e-waste diversion program, operated by Ontario Electronic Stewardship, and is part of its 200,000 tonne collection milestone celebration. Since April 2009, more than 200,000 tonnes of electronic waste has been collected and successfully diverted from landfill across the province, greater than any other diversion program of its kind in Canada. That's a lot of electronics!!

To help Ontarians continue this success, will be collecting out-of-use electronics on registration and start of the hunt at the Y Central Toronto, awarding bonus points to teams who participate in this drop off, and throughout the day. For what portable items are accepted, visit

For participants of the Eco Chase, I will have access to an EXCLUSIVE clue that will help you gain bonus points during the race on Saturday. Look out for my tweets ( @clickflickca ) and this blog to learn more.

To purchase tickets to the Eco Chase, visit Eco Chase Tickets. To receive 20% off your entry, enter this PROMO CODE: insiderscoop

Good luck to everyone participating in the race! :-)

To learn more on how you can participate visit Eco Chase on Twitter: @EcoDuo or on Facebook: EcoDuo Website Info: Eco Chase

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