
10,000 Followers on Twitter!

I've been on Twitter for about 4 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed using this social media tool to communicate, learn, spread social good and meet many new friends like you reading this post!

I recently hit over 10,000 followers and I want to celebrate! It is not an easy thing to build an audience and trust of followers. Over the 4 year period I have been on this platform, I've organized over 40 Tweetups at restaurants, have the privilege to work with numerous brands, begun working as a social media consultant and even started a business -  all because of Twitter! The opportunities continue to grow and I look forward to continue to sharing everything I learn as well as listening to you.

I'll be the first to admit I tweet a lot, but, it's content that is viable and hopefully important to you - my followers, it is updates that keep you abreast on things that happen in my life  and all around Toronto. I enjoying meeting everyone online as well as at events, because we really do have a vibrant and talented social media community here in Toronto.  I hope you continue to follow me on Twitter and if you're new- well, I hope to bring some value to you and your Twitter experience!

On that note, I wish that I could celebrate with all of you but that would be difficult! As most of you know, I do so many contest and giveaways, so I thought I'd stay the course. If you send me any tweet with #clickflick you will be eligible to WIN a $50 Certificate to Rosewater located in Toronto. I'll pick a random winner on Monday.

Good luck and thank you for tweeting, listening and engaging with me on Twitter!