100,000 tweets and keep on clicking..
I've been on Twitter for more than 2 years and originally used the tool because I was curious and also afraid I would lose my job at a communications company due to the economy at the time. I thought Twitter would be the best means to facilitate networking and job opportunities in my field. Fortunately I'm happy to be employed and have found that Twitter has become more than just a tool. It has become a Swiss Army tool for me. It has done more than I can imagine. From a free trip to San Francisco to the use of a free car and numerous events/gifts and most importantly being able to interact, communicate and engage with you. To you reading this post and following my tweets I "Thank You" sincerely.
For those that know me or have met me in person, I try to set an example of being someone that is a positive member to the community especially online. We all have our faults but trying to overcome them is the challenge. Having you all follow my "day to day" adventures is an outlet to share and learn from our experiences both bad and good. It cultivates conversation and instigates dialogue and just being social. I've learned a lot from many of you that I follow on Twitter. I am thankful for that.
To those that I have met IRL (In real life) at events and tweetups this is the true benefit of Twitter. The friendships and relationships I have gained are truly rewarding. To those that I have not met yet, I continue to enjoy the tweets and our exchanges online. Twitter is a tool that allows for freedom of expression. I respect everyone even if I agree or disagree with tweet(s). I continue to learn and evolve with all of you! It has truly been an experience and I look forward to more tweets! Maybe 100,000 more :-)