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When I spend money I usually use cash or debit to make my purchases. To be honest, I don't buy anything with my credit cards unless it's a major purchase or at a restaurant. I'm the guy that likes to collect all the money for a food bill at the end of a large party to collect reward points on the bill. Visa Canada approached and explained to me that I can make small purchases on my Visa card that will earn me rewards so why not give it a try. Starting today for the next 5 days I will make small purchases via my Visa card that I already own. We'll see what kind of rewards I can gain by doing this everyday for the next 5 days. I will document/post/tweet my purchases and I know for sure a "Wobbly Pop" and food will be involved. So follow on Twitter with the hashtag #visaeveryday for details of my expenditures as well as others involved with Visa.
Now what's in it for you? If you send any message/tweet including
@clickflickca and the hashtag
#visaeveryday It will automatically enter you for a chance to win a
$50 pre-paid Visa card. Enter everyday for a chance to win.
I will use
@TwtrTwtrChknDnr to select my winner. This contest is only open to Canadians.
Day 1 Purchase
Attended the Toronto Raptors game and had some pregame food.
2 Hot Dogs1 Pizza Slice1 CokeTotal: $20.77
Later on the game my friend and I got hungry again. We decided on more snacks and treats!
1 Nachos2 Creemore TallboysTotal: $30.25Day 2 PurchaseHeaded out with some friends for some late night grub and drinks at Joey Toronto restaurant.

Calamari $11.99Beef Dip $14.99California Chicken burger $14.99Pumpkin Spiced mini donuts $7.992 Gringo Cerveza-The Beach $5.50Total: $60.46VISA is trying to educate the consumer that our everyday purchases can lead to rewards. This is Day 2 of 5 days. I'm interested to see what I could be collecting myself maybe rewards to collect a digi cam. Let's see if it works.
Day 3 PurchaseYeseterday I worked for most of the day. Bought lunch and some miscellaneous items.
Hamburger lunch $5.75
Magazine $5.99Movie Gift Card $25.00Total: $36.74Day 4 purchase
Various items from the grocery store.
Total: $32.60Day 5 purchase
Grilled chicken burger with fries $6.89
Wobbly pops $38.25Total: $45.14This concludes my 5 day expenditures. I will submit my totals to VISA and have them tell me what type of rewards I could have been eligible within this 5 day purchase. Remember this is to educate and to help build rewards with "everyday" purchases you make. Even I'm learning here. :-)
** Update**
So what type of savings or rewards could I have received with my purchases. As an example I could have earned 1% cash back on net purchases. My total expenditures was $225.96 so I would have earned $2.25 from the 5 day program. In terms of points, if I had a CIBC Aero Classic card I would have earned 125 airmiles (close to an Empire Theatre package for 2 @ 175 miles) points. So hopefully this gives you a detail of the purchase rewards you can achieve with proper money and spending management. Again, it all depends on the type of credit card/rewards plan you have included. If you need more info visit
VISACongrats to