
Just for Cats Film Festival - April 17th

Is the cat going up or down? This seems to be the viral internet discussion at the moment. I will let you decide the proper way to view this optical illusion. Since the topic is about cats, I would like to inform you of an event for cat lovers called the "2015 Just For Cats Film Festival."

The 2015 Just For Cats Film Festival is all about supporting & giving awareness to cats and the community of cat lovers. This event also encourages the adoption of cats to avoid euthanization. It will involve a fun screening of the "Top Cat Videos" you'll find on the internet. This will be showcased at the TIFF LightBox theatre in Toronto. Deadmau5, an owner of 2 adopted cats, will also be at the screening. On that note, thanks to Temptations, I will give a pair of tickets for the April 17th screening at 7:00pm. I will randomly pick a winner on Wednesday April 14th. Good Luck to everyone that enters the contest. For more information:

Info on Temptations

Info on Canadian Federation of Humane Societies

Disclosure: I like dogs more than cats but I really think cats are cute too. Also, I've been given tickets to be randomly chosen in exchange of an invitation to the Just For Cats Festival. See I like cats too!