How do you use Twitter?
I have always been asked this following question. What is Twitter? Isn't it just a status update site similar to Facebook. My answer is YES and NO. It all depends on how you want to use Twitter. I think it all depends on how the user want to use it. I utilize it for the purpose of networking ( Hence,Social Networking ). It is a great way to connect with people who have a similar interest in you. For example if you have an interest in photography, I would follow photographers. I can even narrow it down to photographers in my local area by using the "Search" feature on Twitter. Other folks may use Twitter just to update what they had for lunch. There is nothing wrong with doing that, again it all comes down to the user. Another positive use of Twitter is being able to get information even before newsfeeds. To get live tweets from people in the middle of any situation is instantaneous. Great example was the Iran Election with firsthand accounts of the heinous murders during the election. Also the breaking news of Michael Jackson and his untimely death was tweeted moment by moment for the world to see via Twitter. Overall Twitter can be used as a tool in various ways. I hope you sign up and enjoy and start using Twitter so we can communicate and Tweet. Happy Tweeting!
Do you text too much?
Do you text too much? I do. You might not want to admit it but the majority of us are texting. Does this mean we less inclined to communicate face to face if we are texting more. It brings up an interesting topic that can be debated. It can be cheaper to text than to make a phone call in some parts of the world. Texting is a new way to communicate in a more informal way. It's popularity is brought on the fact that you can send a text instantaneously. Etiquette of text messaging is a whole other topic that can be discussed. It is also noted that the Philippines is known to be the #1 country that sends/receives text messages. Here's a quick video on the fastest text message.
Freedom Fridays

Yesterday, Michael Jackson passed away from cardiac arrest. The whole world is in shock and disbelief that the Pop icon and legend is no longer among us. This has nothing to do with technology but he transcends so much influence in our daily lives growing up to his music. It was more evident on the internet. The number one search and talk on the net is all about Michael Jackson. Youtube has disallowed the embedding of videos because it would be overwhelming to the system. Michael Jackson was the main topic on Twitter propogating the information through different tweets. Folks are not sure if the information of his death was truth or false. It proves that communication of Michael Jackson death through the internet spread like a wildfire. It would be interesting to note who would have been the first to announce this on the internet. RIP Michael Jackson.
Macbook Transformers
As a kid I would watch Transformers and enjoy how they can change right in front of your eyes from a vehicle to a robot. You don't have to understand the french but I thought this was a cool video. This would be neat if it was true.
Quick Updates via Twitter

We all know by now that Twitter has been a great social networking tool used to promote your brand, websites and blogs. It's also a great way to network and share info. Twitter's influence was never more evident this past weekend with the world news headlines. The video footage of a female named "Neda" has been viewed millions of times through Twitter galvanizing the true issues in Iran. Also locally in Toronto, the Much Music Video Awards was held yesterday with several after parties. Apparently Perez Hilton a celebrity blogger was attacked after one of these parties. He quickly tweeted that he was attacked and that the police later finally arrived to rescue him. Twitter is now the best instant tool to get the message out to many viewers. Large issues such as Iran elections or minor issues such as Perez Hilton incident show you how quickly your message can be relayed through the means of Twitter.
Freedom Fridays
Here's a quick clip of a wall of Apple monitors showcasing every App being downloaded from Itunes at the past WWDC.
Today is also the first day you can purchase the new Iphone 3Gs. I'm sure true diehard Mac addicts are salivating and playing with the new Iphones thye've bought. See you guys Monday.
Iphone 3.0 is ready to download.
Apple released the anticipated new Iphone operating system 3.0 update yesterday. I did not download the update yet because I knew there would be an overwhelming demand on the servers for updates. This actually contributed to some users experiencing some problems with the updates. Hopefully later today I should be able to test out the new software. Some of the new features are Cut, Copy & Paste, landscape keyboard,MMS,Search features, voice memos and an improved calendar. There are also Tethering which allows for using your iphone as a modem for your laptop. I'm looking forward to PUSH notifications. Starting June 19 which is tomorrow you'll be able to order the Iphone 3Gs as well.
TweetDeck for Iphone

TweetDeck is the best desktop application for Twitter. It's interface is very pleasing and organizes your "Replies" and "Friends" in a column format. The ability to create certain groups and to post directly to Facebook makes this the tool of choice for Twitter.
Interestingly enough, TweetDeck has introduced an iphone version. Now for all the users who need another reason why they should switch to an Iphone, this is one main reason you should. If you are a social maven, then download it on the iphone and enjoy!
Iran Election
Twitter and other social networking sites are having a big influence in the Iran Election. All the controversy with voting has been tweeted in real time to millions of people. This is another example of how Twitter is spreading the current affairs faster than the actual news outlets. How will this change the way Journalism is brought to the masses. I have this feeling that news agencies that have not adopted or incorporated some aspect of social networking will be left in the dark! On a side note Twitter was to go through downtime for some site maintenance but due to the relevance of Iran elections it was postponed until later this evening.
This give you an indication of the power of Twitter and the current affairs of the world.
This give you an indication of the power of Twitter and the current affairs of the world.
Technology and exercise.

Hope you all had a great weekend! Today with the staggering growth of the internet more people are now web surfing. Does that mean that people are less incline to do physical activity? The extra time spent in front of a computer or tv can be used for physical exercise. This may affect younger kids more because they are exposed to video games and technology in school at a younger age. Instead of playing street hockey or sports, kids especially young adults are probably playing video games for hours and hours. It should be interesting to note that child obesity has been on the rise in the past 10 years according to medical organizations. The introduction of healthy food menus and banning of pop machines and junk food are signs of schools and governments trying to rectify this child obesity. Technology has played a big role in people spending less time doing things active. Hopefully people find a good balance of technology and exercise. Go out for a walk or a run! I'm sure it'll make you feel better.
Freedom Fridays
Hope you enjoy the weekend. Here's a quick stop motion video that has gone viral. It utilizes alot of "Post Notes".
See you folks on Monday. Keep checking for updates for our planned Tweetngreet #partio.
Demise of the Bookstore?
More people are spending time in front of their monitors with the increase use of the internet. This does not bode well for the future of bookstores and magazines. We have seen how the music industry had to make a drastic changes to this effect. Remember the days when buying cd's and dvd's was a normal way to buy music. These days ever since Napster 10 years ago, music can just be downloaded from sites such as Limewire and Rapishare for free. Revenues from music have decreased taking the industry into a tailspin. Will bookstores such as Chapters/Indigo be able to survive? Books and magazines can be downloaded in pdf format on various websites. The introduction of digital readers such as the "Kindle" will reduce the actual purchase of books. It will also help the environment with less use of paper production and making production cost cheaper. I wonder if technology will affect this industry in a negative way? Will bookstores continue to exist in the future?
Partio Update
Here's just a little sneek peak of a possible Partio. A group of Twitter individuals want to celebrate and meet some of the Toronto Twitter community. So come out and enjoy a fun afternoon with like minded individuals. Follow up for more details at Tweetngreet.ca
Light Me up!
I was surfing the interwebs this morning and came across this interesting video. It seems that these students were able to create a synchronized lighting effect with the use of light switches. Now this is something I have never seen before! Amazing stuff!
Iphone 3GS released.
Yesterday, it was announced that Apple has made several anticipated releases. They have announced a new line of Macbook Pros as well as the new Iphone 3GS. The launch of the Apple products are priced at lower prices which makes it more affordable for consumers. The new operating system called Snow Leopard will sell for only $29.99 which is a steal for this OS. They have also introduced Safari 4 which is a new and improved web browser. I've just installed it and will give you a review later this week on its functionality. The Iphone 3GS will be released on June 17 in most countries. The new iphone will be quicker, have a longer lasting battery and have a larger storage capacity. I'm happy to know they have added a better camera and video recording capabilities.
Voice recognition and Copy and Paste have been added as well. If you would like to see the new features for the Iphone visit
Iphone Guided Tour
Voice recognition and Copy and Paste have been added as well. If you would like to see the new features for the Iphone visit
Iphone Guided Tour
Toronto Partio Update
Planning has started for our First Partio event for the Toronto Twitter community. I can't say much about the event at this point but more information should come out in the following weeks. I can tell you that we are looking to mid-July for the Partio.
If you are looking for more information or would like to help volunteer or give us your ideas you can visit the Twitter handle of @Tweetngreetca and direct mail us. Here you will be able to keep updated with information. Also follow @crystalgibson and visit her blog for the actual definition of "Partio" here Crystal Gibson. Look out for more info to come! Toronto get ready!!
If you are looking for more information or would like to help volunteer or give us your ideas you can visit the Twitter handle of @Tweetngreetca and direct mail us. Here you will be able to keep updated with information. Also follow @crystalgibson and visit her blog for the actual definition of "Partio" here Crystal Gibson. Look out for more info to come! Toronto get ready!!
WWDC09 is today!
The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is the premier technical event for developers and IT professionals innovating with Apple platforms. For consumers this gives us a sneek peak at some of the developments and possible products we can look forward to this summer. The one everyone is anticipating and has been rumoured all over the internet is the new Iphone. There have speculations it will have an increased capacity and longer battery life. The addition of a better camera and the option to record video are some of the highlights that I look forward too.Let's hope all the rumours are put to rest today. I've had every Iphone from the 1st generation to 2nd generation and want to know if it will be worth switching to the new Iphone video. Competition from Google Android and the Palm Pre means a better selection for comsumers in the smartphone category. This smartphone competiton will only heat up and hopefully Apple rises to the top!! You can watch the WWDC conference LIVE on
Freedom Fridays
It's another Freedom Friday. Here's a new commercial for Bing.
It's the new search engine introduced by Microsoft.
Have a great weekend!
What I want on the iphone.
I have owned several different phones over the years but truly the Iphone is my favourite. I'm a mac addict so the user interface is very simple for me. One of my favoured features of the iphone is the ability to download applications from the phone itself via WIFI or 3G. The applications can vary from Social Networking Apps to games and entertainment. Other carriers such as BlackBerry and Google Android are playing "Catch Up" to the Iphone and Apple Itunes App Store. Not all things are perfect but the Iphone comes close to that idea. What do you think the Iphone is missing or lacking? Here is my list of things I would like to see on future iphone software upgrades:
- Copy and Paste
- Larger selection of Ringtones
- Video Calling
- Better Camera/Flash lighting
- Capability to record video
- Use of Flash
- Live Streaming
- Real-time text email
- Memory expansion
- Use of different browsers
Most of these options are available on a jailbroken Iphone. I don't want to go through the process of having problems again in the future which I experienced previously with my 1st generation Iphone. I'm hoping some of these options will be available with the new software and Iphone releases coming this month. What features would you guys want on your Iphone?
Toronto Social Event
Social networking has opened so many opportunities for people to connect. Different charities and organizations have benefitted. Individuals have used it to promote their business or ideas. I'm hoping to create an event with fellow like minded individuals very soon. I don't have much details on this event at the moment but I look forward to generating the buzz through Social networking sites. I'm sorry to keep you folks in the dark but something should be in the works by next week. Keep visiting this blog for more updates. If you really want to know more you can follow me on Twitter at @clickflickca. Follow these peeps as well for more info and hints @crystalgibson @aldrichsilva @Da187Suspect.More details to come. It's hard keeping a secret!
E3 and Xbox 360 Live news.
Right now in my favourite town of Los Angeles, E3 is being held at the L.A. convention center. E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's the world's largest trade show for computer and video games and related products. The big announcement just announced was that Xbox 360 Live will integrate Netflix in which they can view movies through the Xbox Live. The integration of Facebook and Twitter is also a big announcement. This is truly making the Xbox the new social gadget of choice for users and game players. It's interesting to see if Playstation 3 will soon make some noise as well. In other news, rumours abound about new iphones coming out this month in June. If it is announced in June they will not be release until July. If you are planning to buy a new iphone you may want to wait until July. Today, Google Android phones are released in Canada so the smartphone competition should start to heat up! Go iphone go!! Here's a clip from E3 website on the announced news of the new features for Xbox 360 Live.
Partnershipwalk and the internet.
Over the weekend, I was able to join a group of engaged individuals all fighting for the important cause of world poverty . Individuals from music, tech and social media got involved. The group had a website at SuperHeroes in which you can make an online donation. The group created a campaign via Facebook and Twitter. I was happy to make a small contribution to this group by creating one of the logos.
Every little effort put in helps eradicate poverty. Monetary donations or volunteering your services helps the community.
It has been reported that the group has collected over $2,000 in donations. Great job! Great cause! Here's another example of Social networking effectively working.

Every little effort put in helps eradicate poverty. Monetary donations or volunteering your services helps the community.
It has been reported that the group has collected over $2,000 in donations. Great job! Great cause! Here's another example of Social networking effectively working.

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