This was nice to see. #1 on Hashable website for Canada.

I've been #1 on Wefollow and don't see the credibility to this. This site does not update in my opinion.
This is not a post to brag about being #1 on a website. I just wanted to highlight that so many of us using Social Networking tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin get carried away with followers, likes etc. I think the important thing to remember when using these online tools is about the relationships and conversations. It's about being transparent and true to yourself. The best person to me at this moment is exemplified by Gary Vaynerchuk or better known as @GaryVee He must be one of the busiest guys in the circuit of Social Media with speaking engagements, wine videos and selling books. But he still finds time to converse or dialogue with his fans. This is how you use Social Media by engaging with your audience.
The above pics are for Hashable and Wefollow It's nice to be recognized by websites but sometimes the validity can be misinterpreted. I'm not one about followers or accolades sure it's nice but truly engaging is more fun too me. Whatever comes of the engagement is just icing on top! Do you believe in Klout, Leaderboards etc.? What ever happen to just having real clout?

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